how to play c/g on guitar

How to Play C/G On Guitar?

Have you ever heard of a cool guitar chord called C/G? It’s like a musical puzzle where two notes blend together to create a special sound.

To play C/G on guitar, place your fingers as you would for a standard C major chord, then add your ring or pinky finger to the 3rd fret of the low E string, letting the G note sound as the bass. This creates the C/G chord, C major with G as bass note.

In this article, we’ll learn how to play the C/G chord on your guitar and find out what makes this chord unique. Get ready to add a fun new sound to your guitar skills!

How to Play C/G On Guitar

C major with G in bass

What Does a Guitar Slash Chord Mean?

In guitar music, a slash chord, like C/G, represents a chord with an altered bass note. Typically, the letter before the slash indicates the chord, while the letter after it specifies the bass note.

For instance, C/G means you play a C major chord with a G note in the bass. This technique is used to add depth and a unique tonal quality to the chord, often enriching the harmony and creating a more interesting sound in a song.

Common C/G Guitar Chord Variations

There are several ways to play the C/G chord on the guitar, each offering a slightly different sound.

The most common method is to play a standard C major chord and then add your ring or pinky finger to the 3rd fret of the low E string. This adds the G note as the bass.

Other variation involve moving farther down the fretboard (Look at the chart below) or leaving out strings. Each variation has its own ease and comfort, depending on the guitarist’s hand size and skill level.

The C major chord always has the notes C, E and G. As C/G chord with G as the bass note.

Use in a Chord Progression

The C/G chord, with its rich and full sound, fits seamlessly into various chord progressions, adding a unique tonal depth.

For instance, in a classic I-IV-V progression in the key of C, using C/G as the I (first) chord can create a more resonant and grounded sound. This chord is also used to add a sense of continuity in transitions, especially in songs where the bass line plays a prominent role. Its versatility makes C/G a favorite different genres.

Alternative Chord Names

The C/G chord is sometimes referred to as alternative C major. In some musical settings, it might be called a C major chord with G in bass or C major over G.

These names all refer to the same chord structure, where the C major chord is played with G as the lowest sounding note.

Chord Construction

The construction of the C/G chord involves a blend of the C major chord and a G bass note. Typically, a C major chord is made up of the notes C, E, and G.

When converting this to a C/G chord, the G note is played as the lowest tone, providing a richer, fuller sound.

This is often achieved by adding the G note on the 3rd fret of the low E string while maintaining the standard finger positions of the C major chord on the other strings. This construction method creates a harmony that is rooted in the familiar C major chord but with an added depth from the G bass.

Notes in the Chord

The specific notes that make up the C/G chord are C, E, G, with the addition of the G note as the bass. This chord essentially contains the same notes as a regular C major chord but rearranges the order so that the G note is emphasized as the lowest sounding note.

The presence of the G note at the base of the chord changes the chord’s voicing, offering a different sonic quality compared to a standard C major chord.


The C/G chord, with its rich and complex sound, plays a significant role in the world of guitar music. This chord exemplifies the beauty and versatility of slash chords, offering guitarists a way to add depth and a unique harmonic texture to their playing.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, mastering the C/G chord and its variations opens up new possibilities for creative expression and musical exploration on the guitar.

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